Dear Ben,
Thanks for this update. I think the court was a shambles, abusing vulnerable people and typically corrupt because of the situation in our city - too many abuses and no one with integrity to sort out problems because of the competitive nature of our society which has led to everyday violence becoming the norm and London being another world. Simply because these 25 staff you are talking about made their careers as trouble-makers rather than problem-solvers.
I suggest you give those MoJ jobs to some of the vulnerable adults you were talking about and let the corrupt court staff become unemployed because I would like to complain about their behaviour over the years. There are so many laws I could use to sue people for silly offences or get them locked up but none of these guys cared about this serious situation. Sorry about this. Please could you think of a way to make life better for people who have suffered abuse as a result of these people involved in administering this court being corrupt. Courts in Bristol seem less vulnerable to the game of driving people crazy but I think we should have responsible people in Bath to put down any criminal schemes with a local low-cost resolution that does not involve any further abuse or crime. I want a job that befits my Eton education and 2 physics degrees and the relevant pay packet as well as a decent house and a decent set of friends and girlfriends which should just be straightforward in a city like Bath.
I want to know why I was being disrespected by these court staff in Bath when it stopped me from working or having relationships with my friends simply because of their petty jealousy? We were relying on them! I want those 25 staff you are rinsing to go to prison for about 6 months and then perhaps work at something like domestic service in a new hotel/house in Bath rather than in the MoJ - I think their opinions on what I want for them is unacceptable for people being paid to keep people happy!
Very pleased to see your good work in the Bath Chronicle recently.
Yours sincerely,
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