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Showing posts from November, 2016

Language of Probate

Notes by William Gaskell Colin Chapman is a former president of the Bath and Gloucester family history society. In the 16 th century Henry, Earl Stafford wrote in his will: “ of good and perfect mind and memory ”. Wills are biographies, giving reliable genealogical data and give family, local and social history – much like a Roman era gravestone! Wills deal with real estate whereas Testament deals with goods and chattels. Wills can be republished if Testament is invalidated. Similar documents include: ·          Letters of administration – Admons . ·          Inventory , from 1268-1750 rare afterwards. ·          Probate accounts – expenses run up by executors. ·          Law suits – contentious cases – sentences. ·          Bank of England – if Wil...

What is light?

Light is pure energy, it is a massless ray of energy that travels at the constant speed of light through space. The wave particle duality of light comes about from light behaving like a particle when it is detected. Newton was the first to propose such a theory when he talked of corpuscles: From Google search by way of Wikipedia Of Newton’s Corpuscular Theory of Light (this predates Heisenberg’s Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory): Isaac Newton argued that the geometric nature of reflection and refraction of light could only be explained if light was made of particles, referred to as corpuscles, because waves do not tend to travel in straight lines. Newton sought to disprove Christiaan Huygens' theory that light was made of waves. So when light is detected it becomes quantised into discrete corpuscles known as photons. Each photon is the harmonic excitation of the wave, that is the full wavelength of the fundamental frequency, so both the positive and negativ...