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More of a Paean by William Gaskell

Bath, 26th May 2015

Think about where you belong
If you don't want to have to behave or conform, then you can always find another way to perform those acts you deem necessary to be you to me. 
Why not move to the city of your choosing? Influence the policy of the local yeomanry so that you are not considered a sex offender, by me, but a player. 
I know it's tough, when the guy whose got your back calls you a loser but it's not just about education: it's the extraneous factor. 
So why not just get involved in society, at last, extinguish those fears that hark back to the past when you were allowed to be like that? 
If you listen to me, I would let you be free, if you would like it, but you must acknowledge that slavery exists and so you should be quiet; 
Unless, of course, you have something to say, which would help in some way, a considered opinion; health, safety and the environment at heart. 
If you have ever crashed a house party then you will know what I mean; you are the hired help so please leave if you don't want to serve. 
Stand next to me and you will look bad, I suggest you give me the slip unless you want to be dead. Then, of course, slip up and die – by any means. 
You are still respected, by God.


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