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Showing posts from June, 2016

Philosophy: The Evolution of Religion: Is It Adaptive to Believe that God Is On Your Side?

Philosophy: The Evolution of Religion: Is It Adaptive to Believe that God Is On Your Side? Dr Michael E Pryce of Brunel University London, Senior Lecturer in Psychology also School of Culture BRLSI 7 th June 2016 Notes by William Gaskell Religiosity more psychological, some sort of belief in a natural order. Adaption is a biological device that is Darwinian, natural selection etc. but not all traits we see in nature are adaptions for survival. Recommended texts: Darwin’s Cathedral God is Watching You - cultural views. Artist’s image: Jean D’Arc by Odilon Redon Over attributing agency to Universe – schizophrenia as people may think government out to get them personally or are personally communicating with extra-terrestrial beings. The question: “How would we do that?” may be a by-product. Link between religiosity and survival , massive correlation becomes apparent in older women. ·          Public social benefits ...