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Response to How to live in a collapsing economy on Garys Economics channel on YouTube

I honestly think you don't know as much about the situation as someone who has been to the top school and got the top degree at university. I mean you can try but you are still part of the problem if you can't understand woke means getting a top for going to Eton rather than because of a protected characteristic. You need to be negative to people about how they have made things worse for everyone and why their quality of life may suffer as a result becaues ethical people won't support them any longer. I mean you make as good a point as the people you are arguing against but you can't seriosuly expect if all things being fair an equal you should have as much pay as someone taught to be better than you because they worked for it? I think it is possible to manage the tax situation for the rich but I think you should make more of a token gesture by implementing a wealth tax in order to funnel investment in to UK infrastucture to mitigate its effects on the super rich as oth
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