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Showing posts from July, 2016

Mexico Through Our Eyes

Through Our Eyes Minister David Nájera Embassy of Mexico, United Kingdom BRLSI 19 th July 2016 7:30pm Notes by William Gaskell Talk chaired by Dick Bateman and introduced by Steve Walter. Strong links with UK as Mexicans often thought of as “that Western guy”. They are Central American by ethnicity. UK first country to recognise independent Mexico. 450,000 illegal immigrants move to Mexico each year from central and south America, mostly on their way to the USA. Mexico is linked to the Philippines as both territories were managed from Mexico City by the Spanish. Also share culture with the Carribean. Trade partners are Brazil, Argentina, China, biggest partner is USA. Iconic cultural Mexican Mariachi music is also loved and just as popular in Columbia. El Chavo – little boy, an orphan living in a home is a well known and loved cultural figure by many people in Mexico. 400,000 US citizens staying illegally in Mexico, 5 times as many as in Canada. T

Stoicism and the Art of Self-Mastery

Stoicism and the Art of Self-Mastery Dr Kurt Lampe, University of Bristol, BRLSI, 5 th July 2016 Notes by William Gaskell Dr Kurt Lampe has a PhD from the University of California at Berkeley. Image of Eris Dippis who dumps his fortune overboard during a journey by ship as his shipmates seemed unsavoury, his idea was that he would rather destroy his wealth than for it to fall into the hands of the unsavoury shipmates – Zero Sum Game – Stoicism . Period of classical philosophy C280BC to 250AD. Stoa Poikile “Painted Colonnade” in Athens. Epicurean philosophers dissipate from their usual haunts and classical stoicism comes to an end. Modern Anglo-American neo stoicism B. Continental This is now a philosophic/therapeutic movement. It was considered to be pilfering ideas from Plato and Aristotle but since 1970 has come into its own. Stoic philosophy is full of metaphor: “freedom as opposite of slavery.” The internal conflict of decision making: “shouldn’t do it”

Why should we be interested in glass?

Why should we be interested in glass? Dr Anita Zeidler, Physics Department, University of Bath at BRLSI on 30 th June 2016. Convenor science group, John Davies. Notes by William Gaskell. Glass’ properties include: ·          Good heat shock resistance ·          Insulation of heat and electricity Making it good for cooking hobs. Glass formation: Slow cooling -> ordered pattern formation -> crystal Fast cooling (quenching) -> amorphous liquid structure frozen -> glass Glass is a solid with structure that resembles a liquid. Flint is actually a glass, which is why it could be chiselled into very sharp points for stone age arrowheads and blades. Glass is composed of silicon and oxygen: Si + O also perhaps B or P, Al, K, Ca, depending on the use. For example, in the nuclear industry glass with a high proportion of lead is used to improve the shielding effect from radiation. Gorilla glass made by etching or dipping surface of glass into a

Bath City Conference 2016

Bath City Conference 2016 Notes by William Gaskell at the Guildhall Bath on 1st of July. Speakers: Kate Rigby new Human Sustainability lecturer at Bath Spa. Jess organised the Green University Group lectures. Cheryl talked about mindset when approaching environment as PhD Student, I mentioned film Planetary to her. Fairness and Physics – Recarbonising the Environment Peter Harper, University of Bath. People now seriously want to live in the Utopian fashion. Ozone situation is improving whereas other macro-environmental aspects are deteriorating such as biosphere pollution and ocean acidity. Peter Harper thinks a rapid transition is going to happen soon unless there is a major transformation in how we do things as he assumes that developing countries in Asia will become as polluting as the West is currently. Zero Carbon Britain In this scenario Britain can control its emissions without changing the way we live. ·          60% lower air miles in air travel