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Mexico Through Our Eyes

Through Our Eyes
Minister David Nájera
Embassy of Mexico, United Kingdom
BRLSI 19th July 2016 7:30pm
Notes by William Gaskell

Talk chaired by Dick Bateman and introduced by Steve Walter.

Strong links with UK as Mexicans often thought of as “that Western guy”. They are Central American by ethnicity. UK first country to recognise independent Mexico.

450,000 illegal immigrants move to Mexico each year from central and south America, mostly on their way to the USA.

Mexico is linked to the Philippines as both territories were managed from Mexico City by the Spanish. Also share culture with the Carribean. Trade partners are Brazil, Argentina, China, biggest partner is USA.

Iconic cultural Mexican Mariachi music is also loved and just as popular in Columbia. El Chavo – little boy, an orphan living in a home is a well known and loved cultural figure by many people in Mexico.

400,000 US citizens staying illegally in Mexico, 5 times as many as in Canada. There are 20 million tourists to Mexico each year, mainly Americans. Canadians visit Mexico 5 times in their lives on average, with 2 million of them visiting each year.

When I think of Mexico I think of:
Aztecs, Cortes, Mayapan, Tequila, Day of the Dead, Santa Anna, Antonio Banderas and current Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto.

Who is the leading Mexican actress?
Salma Hayek who also lives in London currently!

My conclusion:

Mexico is diverse culturally but still Spanish-seeming people (whites) are in charge and Indigos (coloureds) disadvantaged economically and in Yucatan there is still Mayan culture extant.

Big government has led to Mexico’s poor record on human rights.


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