The problem is that this could be used to alter the past in the future... Using gravitational waves from the past, you can interact with them, via supernova type of events using singularities or on larger scales, collapsing galaxies into their supermassive blackholes, and alter the phase velocity of the wave so that there is a reverse ripple moving backwards in time along the path the wave propagates along through space and time, these reverse ripple waves would then randomly affect events as the gravitational wave resonance will affect the same physics experiment in different ways as the scientist of the future attempts to communicate with the scientist of the past, rendering this discovery controversial... - only joking!
We may have to collapse the Universe to get back to the reality talked about by Jesus and prophesied in the Old Testament: "Heaven and Earth may pass away, but the word of Christ will never pass away."
We may have to collapse the Universe to get back to the reality talked about by Jesus and prophesied in the Old Testament: "Heaven and Earth may pass away, but the word of Christ will never pass away."
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