Economic Sustainability in Heritage Management
Skills sharing workshop
6th March 2015, M Shed,
Bristol, UK
Notes by William Gaskell,
Volunteer at Museum of East Asian Art (MEAA), Bath
Info about MEAA:
6-7000 visitors per year
4 full time staff, 4 part time staff
In order to approach funding background work needed:
Report on museum data to use as evidence when
approaching funding opportunities
Diary of how time/man hours are spent
Compare experiences with other museums
Use benchmarks/standard indices
Example of target groups of visitors:
Metro culturals – arty types
Experience seekers – looking for things to do
Commuterland [teenage] culture buffs – precocious
people who want to pay for a superior experience
Data collection:
Use a tablet to time- and cost-effectively
collect & manage data
Make time to deal with data without stress
Keep records of people you know for your own
background checks
Use excel spreadsheet
Historical database of museum
Curator’s personal professional network
Bring people [within the organisation] on board
by making it relevant to them
Keep record of time/date for
data on database
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