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Confirmation Statement

The message of Jesus Christ to me is to chose to live life to the full and remember what God has done for us. That Jesus kept going beyond death emphasises to me the sincerity of the Lord's Prayer when we pray for our daily bread - Epiousios in the original manuscript, as Dr Alan Garrow told us on his final sermon at Bath Abbey where we are praying for security in our lives - he came back from the dead to save us and forgave us even though we sinners executed him on the cross, without valid justification.

The Bible gives us the grounding or foundation to really live life to the full and the most important point about being a Christian is being fully alive. Treating people well with the aspiration of living eternally in Heaven, being guided by the Holy Spirit. Giving thanks to Jesus Christ for giving us the Grace to live our lives guided by the Holy Spirit and for all the progress we have made so far toward the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. We remember what Jesus Christ has done for us rather than Augustus or any Roman Emperor of the time - he was truly Son of God incarnate. As a physicist I find evidence for God exists in Creation - I exist therefore God must exist. I quote Psalms:

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
-       Psalm 139:14

Praise the Lord.[a]
Praise God in his sanctuary;
    praise him in his mighty heavens.
2 Praise him for his acts of power;
    praise him for his surpassing greatness.
3 Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
    praise him with the harp and lyre,
4 praise him with timbrel and dancing,
    praise him with the strings and pipe,
5 praise him with the clash of cymbals,
    praise him with resounding cymbals.
6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord.
-       Psalm 150

In conclusion I am getting confirmed as a Christian in the Church of England as I believe in the society started by Jesus Christ and his disciples and came to us through the work of St Paul. I admire the example Jesus set for us and the liberation that being a Christian gives me from the drudgery of an unfulfilled life.

I would then pray:

Dear God the Father, Thank you for Creation and giving us your son Jesus Christ who died for us to give us the hope of eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven through the Holy Spirit. Sorry that I have not always been fully alive or lived my life to the full as Jesus has now shown me how to. Please allow us to walk confidently with the Holy Spirit and be fully alive for all of our lives. Amen.

I am still developing what I would say. Now I am thinking about how it makes me feel, renewed with vigour. I feel peace and calm and understanding after being blessed by a priest at Holy Communion which lasts for a short while and lingers with me for the rest of the week. I feel it has a beneficial effect on my life so that even though I go through the same things in life as before, I would now go about them with the Holy Spirit and that makes my life feel better.


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