Active Galaxy Jets
Prof Worrall, University of Bristol
Herschel Society Free Public Lecture, University of Bath 17th November 2011
- She
Assumes Black Holes are at centre of all galaxies
- The
small scale pattern of one light year or less affects larger pattern of
length scales of over 100,000 light years through some feedback process.
- Black
Holes emit radiation through matter falling into them
- Jets
are visible to us as products of synchrotron radiation
- We
can view the jets using X-rays
- X-ray
jets only last for about 30 years
- radio
jets are much larger
- X-ray
Jets can be over 3000 light years in length
- I
think there must be some other explanation or mechanism to explain 10
million degrees centigrade temperature of hydrogen gas in the jets.
- Jets
inefficient radiators
- (Inefficient
at entropy?)
- Jets
involved in feedback loops between black-hole growth and new star
- Does
cold dark matter play a part in this process? Can Cold Dark Matter be
explained by interactions between relativistic particles and those travelling
in “super-lubricated” frictionless tubes faster than the speed of light?
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